General Preferences
From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base
Your Store Details
This is where you enter the name of your store and the contact email address.
Store name
Depending on your theme, the name of your store often appears as the title of your store your store's top header, and it can also appear in the "Name" Meta tag.
Please also note that it appears in all of your email templates as well, so if you're hoping to do something to help your ranking in search engines, you may also want to customise your email templates by changing the
{{ shop_name }}
tag in your email templates to something that will make sense.
Store Email address
Notifications from your Toolbox such as ones for new orders, as well as emails from enquiries sent from your "Contact Us" form are sent to this email address.
Store Address
Please enter your full street address here. This is required for billing purposes, and your Spiffy Store will not be active without it. It's also used for calculating shipping using one of our automated shipping providers, so you'll definitely want to have a proper street address there.
Note that your address is not displayed anywhere in your store, and can only be seen by you and Spiffy Stores staff.
Password protection
Password protecting your store is a good idea while you are still adding products or designing its look and feel. This is especially important if you have set up a credit card and payment gateway but don't want to start accepting sales quite yet.
Google analytics
You can enter your Google Analytics tracking number and Spiffy will automatically instrument your pages with the required code snippets to track visits as well as e-commerce sales. See the Google Analytics section for more setup help.