We’re pleased to announce that we have a new feature for our theme templates… Theme Settings.
Although the Spiffy Stores Themes have always been highly configurable, this configuration necessarily required some knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Not any more.
The new Theme Settings ability means that theme designers can now create a custom settings form that allows the end-user to simply choose from basic theme configuration options such as colour scheme, custom logo configuration and design layout.
The settings are created using a simple settings configuration file which includes some industry-unique and innovative features such as colour filters which give designers the ability to create varied colour schemes from a single base colour.
More developer information is available in our Theme Settings Knowledge Base article.
For users who are not interested in designing and modifying their own themes, we’ve updated all themes in the Spiffy Stores Theme Gallery (except Zesty).
If you want to take advantage of these new customization options, please reload a new copy of the theme you are currently using from the gallery. It might be worthwhile downloading a backup copy of your current theme first. Also, you may want to take note of any customizations that you’ve made to your current theme so that you can apply the same changes to the new copy of the theme.
Theme Settings opens up a whole new world for creative and interesting theme design and modification, so look forward to some future updates in this area!