Liquid Template Variables - shop

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

The Liquid template variable shop has the following attributes:

Returns the unique internal store id number.

This is normally only for internal usage.

Returns a string with the store's name.

Example usage:

{{ }}

Returns the store's email address.

Example usage:

{{ }}


Returns a string with the store's description. This value can be configured on the "General Settings" page, under the "Preferences" tab.

If your theme includes the standard headers as follows, then this description will automatically appear in the header tags of your home page.

{% include 'headers' %}

You may use this variable to build a meta description tag for your home page manually if you prefer.

Example usage:

{% if template == 'index' and shop.description != '' %}
<meta name="description" content="{{ shop.description }}" />
{% endif %}


Returns a string with the name of the store's owner.

Example usage:

Dear {{ shop.owner }}, you have received a new order!


Returns a string with the name of the currency that this store uses. This is usually a three character representation (e.g. AUD).

Example usage:

All prices are in {{ shop.currency }}


Returns a string containing the full descriptive name of the store's currency.

For example

Australian Dollar (AUD)

Returns the printable name of the country in which the store is located.

This store is located in {{ }}


Returns the two character ISO country code for the store.

{% if shop.country_iso == 'AU' %}GST is applicable to this store{% endif %}


Returns the taxation number for the store, if required by local legislation.

This is usually an ABN (Australia), GST Number (New Zealand) or VAT Registration (Europe).

TAX INVOICE {{ shop.tax_number }}


Returns the full URL for your store.

Note: The value depends upon the primary address configured under Preferences -> DNS & Domains.


Returns the domain of your store.

Note: The value depends upon the primary address configured under Preferences -> DNS & Domains.


Returns the domain name of your store.


Returns all the products in the store.


Returns the number of products in the store.

Example usage:

{{ shop.products_count }} {{ shop.products_count | pluralize: 'product', 'products' }} are available


Returns all the collections in the store.


Returns the number of collections in the store.


Returns all of the store's collections without pagination.


Return the currency formatting string which includes the currency symbol.


Return the currency formatting string excluding the currency symbol.


Return an array of currency codes that are supported for this store.

The currency codes are determined by the list of countries that have been added in the "Preferences -> Regions & taxes" section of your Toolbox.

    {% for c in shop.currency_codes %}
    <option value="{{ c }}"{% if currency == c %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ c }}</option>
    {% endfor %}


Returns a pre-formatted set of HTML option tags, including the full name of the currency, which can be used within select tags.

The currency codes are determined by the list of countries that have been added in the "Preferences -> Regions & taxes" section of your Toolbox.

Here is an example of the options that are returned:

  <option value="AUD">Australian Dollar (AUD)</option>
  <option value="NZD">New Zealand Dollar (NZD)</option>
  <option value="USD">United States Dollar (USD)</option>
  <option value="EUR" selected="selected">Euro (EUR)</option>
  <option value="GBP">British Pound (GBP)</option>
  <option value="CAD">Canadian Dollar (CAD)</option>

These options can be used as follows:

    {{ shop.currency_options }}


Returns a list of all unique product types in the store. An array of types is returned.

Example usage:

{% for product_type in shop.types %}
    {{ product_type | link_to_type }}
{% endfor %}


Returns a list of all unique product vendors in the store. An array of vendors is returned.

Example usage:

{% for product_vendor in shop.vendors %}
    {{ product_vendor | link_to_vendor }}
{% endfor %}


Returns an array of credit card names that are currently enabled for the store. Use the payment_type_img_url filter to return a link to the SVG image file for the credit card.

The possible values for this array are -

  • visa
  • master
  • american_express
  • paypal
  • afterpay
  • jcb
  • diners_club
  • maestro
  • discover
  • solo
  • switch
  • laser
  • dankort
  • forbrugsforeningen
  • dwolla
{% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}
  <img src="{{ type | payment_type_img_url }}" width="80" />
{% endfor %}


Return true if customer accounts have been enabled in this store.

{% if shop.customer_accounts_enabled %}
  {% if customer %}
    <a href="/account">Your Account</a>
  {% else %}
    {{ 'Log in' | customer_login_link }}
    {% if shop.customer_accounts_optional %}
    <span class="or">or</span>
    {{ 'Create an account' | customer_register_link }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}


Return true if customer accounts are enabled and are optional in this store.

See previous example for usage.


Return the metafields for the shop.

Metafields can only be managed using the Spiffy Stores API.


Returns an array of shop_locale objects. Each object represents a shop locale that's published on the shop.

{% for locale in shop.published_locales %}
  {{ }} ({{ locale.iso_code }})
{% endfor %}


Returns the primary shop_locale object.


Returns the shop's primary locale iso code.

Further Reference