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== Endpoints ==
== Endpoints ==
=== <code>GET /api/products.json<br>GET /api/standard_collections/(STANDARD_COLLECTION_ID|STANDARD_COLLECTION_HANDLE)/products.json</code> ===
=== <code>GET /api/products.json<br>GET /api/standard_collections/(STANDARD_COLLECTION_ID|STANDARD_COLLECTION_HANDLE)/products.json<br>GET /api/super_collections/(SUPER_COLLECTION_ID|SUPER_COLLECTION_HANDLE)/products.json</code> ===
Return a list of products.
Return a list of products. A standard collection or a super collection may be specified to return only the products belonging to that collection.
==== Optional Parameters ====
==== Optional Parameters ====

Revision as of 14:40, 12 June 2018

The Spiffy Stores API Product object represents an individual item for sale in a store. Anything that can be sold is regarded as a product in your store, even if it's not a physical item. For example, any sort of service or customization that you perform counts as a product.

You can view your products, update them, create new ones, and delete them.

A product will have a least one Variation and may also have one or more Images. A Product may also belong to a StandardCollection or a SuperCollection.

Accessing a Product

If you want to refer to a single Product, then you will need to use the unique product id that has been assigned to that product. These product ids are returned when you request a list of the products that belong to your store.

The product ids are internally generated by the software and cannot be created or assigned.

Alternatively, you may specify the product handle in place of the product id when requesting access to a product. The product handle is the unique character string that is assigned to every product when it is created. The handle is used in the URL to display the product page.

For example, you may retrieve a product in two ways.

GET /api/products/12345678.json


GET /api/products/cute-dog.json

The advantage of using the handle form of the request is that you don't need to search all the products first in order to determine the product id, as you will already know what the handle is. This will reduce the number of API calls that you need to make and greatly simplifies the amount of coding that is needed to manage your products.

Product Properties

{ "id" : 123456789 }

A unique numeric identifier for the product.

{ "title" : "Cute Dog" }

The title of the product.

{ "handle" : "cute-dog" }

A unique, human-friendly string for the product. Usually, the handle is automatically generated from its title. The handle is used in the product URL to refer to the product, and can also be used access the product from the API and in the store's templates.

{ "body" : "This puppy is very cute." }

The description of the product, without HTML formatting.

{ "body_html" : "<p>This puppy is very cute.</p>" }

The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting.

{ "shipping_code" : "BULK" }

If the product requires special shipping, the shipping code is used to determine the specific shipping rate applicable to this product.

{ "created_at" : "2007-10-24T18:26:31Z" }

The date and time when the product was created. The timestamp is in ISO 8601 format.

{ "updated_at" : "2014-01-16T05:50:56Z" }

The date and time when the product was last updated. The timestamp is in ISO 8601 format.

{ "tags" : ["cute", "dog", "puppy", "brown dog"] }

This is a list of tags that are associated with this product. Tags can be used for filtering, searching and building collections of related products.

{ "published" : true }

Indicates whether the product has been published and is visible in the store front.

{ "featured" : true }

Indicates whether the product is featured which allows it to be promoted to the top of a collection if required.

{ "archived" : false }

Indicates whether the product is archived. An archived product is automatically hidden when it has sold out.

{ "product_type" : "Dogs" }

All products belong to a product type to help categorize and group the store's inventory.

{ "vendor" : "Spiffy Stores" }

All products have a vendor or maker which also can be used to help categorize and group the store's inventory.

{ "metafields_global_title_tag" : "Spiffy T-Shirt - Orange, Medium" }

The title of the product which is used specifically for Search Engine Optimization purposes. This value will be used in the <meta name='title'> tag.

{ "metafields_global_description_tag" : "A Spiffy T-Shirt fits everyone." }

The description of the product which is used specifically for Search Engine Optimization purposes. This value will be used in the <meta name='description'> tag.

{ "options" : [{ "name" : "Title", "position" : 1 }] }

A product may have up to 3 options each of which can be assigned a property name, such as "Size", "Colour", "Material" or whatever suits your product. Each product variation will have a different combination of values for each of these options.

{ "custom_options" : [
  { "id": 250,
    "name": "Gift Wrap Colour",
    "position": 1,
    "option_values": [
      { "value": "Blue", "price": 5, "position": 1 },
      { "value": "Red", "price": 0, "position": 2 }
] }

Custom options can be added to a product as additional services or customization choices. Each custom option allows for a number of choices to be added to the base product, with an optional extra charge.

{ "images" : [
  { "id": 2296,
    "product_id": 123456789,
    "position": 1,
    "alt": "",
    "filename": "chrysanthemum.jpg",
    "extension": "jpg",
    "digest": "71465638e6ee742dd0194de93b8efde3",
    "src": "http://server1.spiffystores.com/sites/4/products/123456789_chrysanthemum_full.jpg",
    "product_id": 123456789,
    "variation_ids": [1345, 6789]
] }

A list of all the product images is returned.

{ "variations": [
  { "id": 2299,
    "product_id": 123456789,
    "title": "Default",
    "position": 1,
    "sku": "",
    "barcode": "",
    "price": 15,
    "wholesale_price": 0,
    "compare_at_price": 0,
    "discount": 0,
    "taxable": true,
    "instalments": 1,
    "grams": 500.0,
    "length": 0.0,
    "width": 0.0,
    "height": 0.0,
    "inventory_quantity": 0,
    "old_inventory_quantity": 0,
    "inventory_policy": "deny",
    "inventory_management": "spiffy",
    "fulfilment_service": "manual",
    "shipping_code": "",
    "free_shipping": false,
    "requires_shipping": true,
    "ship_separately": false,
    "created_at": "2013-11-27T09:59:10Z",
    "updated_at": "2014-08-21T10:26:48Z",
    "image_id": 13456
] }

A list of all the product variations is returned. Each variation represents a different physical version of the product which can be tracked and managed using an inventory count.

See Variation for more detailed information about the Variation object.


GET /api/products.json
GET /api/standard_collections/(STANDARD_COLLECTION_ID|STANDARD_COLLECTION_HANDLE)/products.json
GET /api/super_collections/(SUPER_COLLECTION_ID|SUPER_COLLECTION_HANDLE)/products.json

Return a list of products. A standard collection or a super collection may be specified to return only the products belonging to that collection.

Optional Parameters

limit Number of results returned. The default is 30, with a maximum of 50 in a single request.
page The number of the page to return. The number of results per page is set by the limit parameter. If more results are required, then submit the request again, increasing the page number each time.
ids A comma-separated list of products ids.
since_id Limit the results to only include objects which have an id greater than the given value.
vendor Limit the results to only include products supplied by the given vendor.
product_type Limit the results to only include products that belong to the given product_type.
handle Return the product with the given handle.
collection_id Return only the products that belong to the given collection.
created_at_min Return only the products created after the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00".
created_at_max Return only the products created before the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00".
updated_at_min Return only the products updated after the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00".
updated_at_max Return only the products updated before the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00".
published_status Return only products with the given published status.
  • published - Include only published products
  • unpublished - Include only unpublished products
  • any - Include all products (default)
featured_status Return only products with the given featured status.
  • featured - Include only featured products
  • any - Include all products (default)
archived_status Return only products with the given archived status.
  • archived - Include only archived products
  • any - Include all products (default)
fields A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response.

Example Request and Response

GET /api/products.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "products": [
      "id": 123456789,
      "title": "Cute Puppy",
      "handle": "cute-puppy",
      "body": "A very cute puppy.",
      "body_html": "<p>A very cute puppy.</p>",
      "shipping_code": "",
      "created_at": "2012-03-28T17:53:26Z",
      "updated_at": "2014-01-16T05:50:56Z",
      "tags": ["cute", "puppy", "dog", "brown dog"],
      "published": true,
      "featured": true,
      "archived": false,
      "product_type": "Dog",
      "vendor": "Spiffy Stores",
      "options": [
          "name": "Title",
          "position": 1
      "custom_options": [],
      "images": [
          "id": 1603342682,
          "position": 1,
          "alt": "This is a test product",
          "filename": "cute_puppy.jpg",
          "extension": "jpg",
          "digest": "f19b394b02b9d266508d3da2034ead16",
          "src": "http://server1.spiffystores.com/sites/4/products/123456789_cute_puppy_full.jpg",
          "product_id": 123456789,
          "variation_ids": [1771]
      "variations": [
          "id": 28234540068,
          "product_id": 123456789,
          "title": "Default",
          "position": 1,
          "sku": "B3300",
          "barcode": "",
          "price": "139.8",
          "wholesale_price": "0.0",
          "compare_at_price": "0.0",
          "discount": "0.0",
          "taxable": true,
          "instalments": 1,
          "grams": 2000.0,
          "length": 0.0,
          "width": 0.0,
          "height": 0.0,
          "inventory_quantity": 5,
          "old_inventory_quantity": 5,
          "inventory_policy": "deny",
          "inventory_management": "spiffy",
          "fulfilment_service": "manual",
          "shipping_code": "",
          "free_shipping": false,
          "requires_shipping": true,
          "ship_separately": false,
          "created_at": "2012-03-28T17:53:26Z",
          "updated_at": "2014-01-16T05:50:56Z",
          "image_id": 23456
    }, ...

Examples using filters

GET /api/products.json?fields=id,title,images

GET /api/products.json?collection_id=23238768

GET /api/products/count.json

Return a count of products.

Optional Parameters

since_id Limit the results to only include objects which have an id greater than the given value.
vendor Limit the results to only include products supplied by the given vendor.
product_type Limit the results to only include products that belong to the given product_type.
handle Return the product with the given handle.
collection_id Return only the products that belong to the given collection.
created_at_min Return only the products created after the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00".
created_at_max Return only the products created before the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00".
updated_at_min Return only the products updated after the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00".
updated_at_max Return only the products updated before the given date and time. Use the format "2014-12-31 12:00".
published_status Return only products with the given published status.
  • published - Include only published products
  • unpublished - Include only unpublished products
  • any - Include all products (default)
featured_status Return only products with the given featured status.
  • featured - Include only featured products
  • any - Include all products (default)
archived_status Return only products with the given archived status.
  • archived - Include only archived products
  • any - Include all products (default)

Example Request and Response

GET /api/products/count.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "count": 578

Examples using filters

GET /api/products/count.json?collection_id=234293847

GET /api/products/(PRODUCT_ID|PRODUCT_HANDLE).json

Return a single product.

Optional Parameters

fields A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response.

Example Request and Response

GET /api/products/123456789.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

      "id": 123456789,
      "title": "Cute Puppy",
      "handle": "cute-puppy",
      "body": "A very cute puppy.",

Alternative form

GET /api/products/cute-puppy.json

POST /api/products.json

Create a new product.

You can include images for the new product, either by including the image as Base64 data using the attachment tag, or by including a URL to the image which can be used to download the image using the src tag.

Example Request and Response

POST /api/products.json

  "product": {
    "title": "Brand New Product",
    "body": "A must for every home.",
    "vendor": "Big Brand",
    "product_type": "Gadget",
    "tags": "yellow, gadget, blue, home",
    "variations": [
        "option1": "Large",
        "option2": "Yellow",
        "price": "10.00",
        "sku": "123",
        "inventory_quantity": 100
        "option1": "Small",
        "option2": "Blue",
        "price": "20.00",
        "sku": "456",
        "inventory_quantity": 50
    "options": [
        "name": "Size",
        "position": 1
        "name": "Colour",
        "position": 2

    "images": [
        "filename": "cute_puppy.jpg"
        "src": "http://www.puppies-r-us.com/images/cute_puppy2.jpg",
        "filename": "cute_puppy2.jpg"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Create a Product with a Metafield

POST /api/products.json

  "product": {
    "title": "Brand New Product",
    "body": "A must for every home.",
    "vendor": "Big Brand",
    "product_type": "Gadget",
    "variations": [
        "option1": "Large",
        "option2": "Yellow",
        "price": "10.00",
        "sku": "123",
        "inventory_quantity": 100
        "option1": "Small",
        "option2": "Blue",
        "price": "20.00",
        "sku": "456",
        "inventory_quantity": 50
    "metafields": [
        "namespace": "inventory",
        "key": "stock_location",
        "value": "Sydney",
        "value_type": "string"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

PUT /api/products/(PRODUCT_ID|PRODUCT_HANDLE).json

Update a product and associated images and variations.

You can include images for the updated product, either by including the image as Base64 data using the attachment tag, or by including a URL to the image which can be used to download the image using the src tag.

When you update a product, you must include the id parameter, which must match the product_id specified in the POST URL.

You can update any of the product properties by including the parameter in the PUT data. All other product properties remain unchanged.

You cannot change the number of options. Only the name of the option can be updated.

Product variations, custom_options and images cannot be individually updated using this API. If you specify any new variations, custom_options or images, then all existing variations, custom_options or images are deleted and replaced by the new variations, custom_options or images provided by this API.

Individual variations and images can be updated using the specific API calls for Variations and Images.

Example Request and Response

PUT /api/products/123456789.json

  "product": {
    "id": 123456789,
    "title": "This is a new title"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Add a Metafield to an existing Product

PUT /api/products/123456789.json

  "product": {
    "id": 123456789,
    "metafields": [
        "namespace": "inventory",
        "key": "stock_location",
        "value": "Sydney",
        "value_type": "string"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Delete a product and all associated images and variations.

Example Request and Response

DELETE /api/products/123456789.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Alternative form

DELETE /api/products/cute-puppy.json

Further Reference