Adelaide ecommerce theme - Displaying an Instagram feed on your home page

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

Revision as of 11:44, 14 May 2021 by Shawn (talk | contribs)

Instagram are currently blocking most feeds, and we're unable to retrieve images, so the Instagram feature is in the process of being removed from our themes until further notice. If you cannot see your feed, you should update your theme, and use the new HTML Section feature documented below.

Using the "HTML Section" to display an Instagram feed on your home page

In versions 1.5 of the theme and up, we have introduced HTML Sections. If Instagram are blocking you from displaying your Instagram feed, you'll need to use a third party widget. One of the following should work well...

If you sign up for the widget, you can customise it on their site. You can then paste the widget code into the "HTML Section" or "Wide HTML Section" fields in your theme editor. Once you have done this, Save your settings. Html-block-theme-editor.png

Also ensure you have enabled the section in the "Home Page - Sections" area of your Theme Editor. Simple-theme-sections-html-blocks.png

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