How to enable Google Analytics

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

Revision as of 11:01, 2 August 2010 by Shawn (talk | contribs)

To enable Google Analytics tracking in your ecommerce store, you first need to sign up for an account with Google. To do this, go to

  1. When you've started an account, log into Google Analytics, and click on the "Add Website Profile»" link on the main analytics page.

  2. On the "Create New Website Profile" page, choose "Add a Profile for a new domain", and then enter your store's primary domain in the box, and click "finish". Your store's primary domain is the domain that is set as your primary domain in the "Preferences >> DNS & Domains" section of your toolbox.

  3. On the "Tracking Code" page, there's a box that shows a unique ID called a "Web Property ID" (e.g. UA-387987-7). Copy the Web Property ID provided.

  4. Log into your Spiffy Store and go to the "Marketing" page of your store Toolbox. Tick the "Enable Google Analytics Tracking" box, and then paste or type your "Web Property ID" into the "Google Analytics Tracking Code" field.

  5. Click the "Apply settings" button to save your changes.

  6. Back in Google Analytics site, click the "Finish" button.

Google should now start tracking visits to your ecommerce store. In about 24 hours, you should be able to log in to Google Analytics to see information about any new visitors to your store.