How to configure an Apple iPad using IOS 7

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

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These instructions are for setting up email using IOS 7. If you are using IOS 6, please click here -> How to configure an Apple iPhone using IOS 6

Ipad-ios7-1.png           From the Home menu on your iPad tap on the Settings icon.

Ipad-ios7-2.png On the left of the screen, tap on the Mail, Contacts, Calendar section.

Ipad-ios7-3.png This screen shows the accounts page. You may have already added an account for another email address, so it may look a bit different.

Tap on add account to start the account creation process.

Ipad-ios7-4.png Tap Other.

Ipad-ios7-5.png Tap "Add Mail Account".

Ipad-ios7-6.png Name: The name you wish your emails to come from.

Email: Your full email address. If you're using your own domain name in your store, you can set this to be the "Alias" email address that you've created.

Password: The password you created for this account in your store's Toolbox.

Description: Your full email address.


Spiffy Stores uses POP (POP3) mail for our email servers, so tap that and make sure it's highlighted in blue as shown on the left.


Mail Server Settings for both your incoming server and outgoing server must be entered;

Host Name:

Username: Your username should be your full Spiffy Stores email address as it appears in your store Toolbox on the "Preferences -> Email Accounts" page, e.g. "".

Password: The password that you set when you created your mailbox.

Note that although the outgoing server section may say it is optional, you MUST enter your username and password here to be able to send mail.

When you have entered these details, tap "SAVE".
Ipad-ios7-9.png You should now see the new email account which you have created.

Press the home button to return to the home screen.

Ipad-ios7-10.png Now select the 'Mail' app and commence using your email.

Using an email address on own your domain

Once your account has been configured using your "" details, you can now safely update the "Email address" field to the email address that is on your domain, but in all cases the username must always be in the "" format.

Further Reference